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Call Stack
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90.04753445328WP_Hook->apply_filters( $value = '', $args = [0 => ''] ).../class-wp-hook.php:348
100.04753445760gavernwp_metatags_hook( '' ).../class-wp-hook.php:324
110.04753445760gk_opengraph_metatags( ).../hooks.php:123

Direct School Admission (DSA) – Secondary

YES, Jon is going to be a Victorian next year. He will be in a new inaugural 6-year programme – Victoria-Cedar Alliance Intergrated Programme (VCA IP) jointly offered with Cedar Girls’ Secondary School (CGSS) and their afflicated college, Victoria Junior College (VJC).

As always, Jon not only karts well but excels in his studies too. Therefore, we decided to use his earlier and current excellent academic results to secure a good Secondary School even before taking his Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) end of the year. The entire DSA process took more than three months. It was a tedious and stressful journey. But our effort is definitely worthwhile.

Below is our detailed process (flowchart) for Victoria School DSA (INTEGRATED PROGRAMME) application;

28 May 2011
Attended Victoria School Open House.

2 June 2011

Went to http://vs.moe.edu.sg/dsa/ and complete the online application form which consists of 3 pages;
– Applicant’s Particulars
– Parent’s Particulars
– Primary School CCA records
– Academic Results
– Other Awards/Scholarships/Achievements
– Personal Statement (write a personal statement of no more than 1000 characters on Aspirations, Reflection on achievements and leadership experiences, etc.

2 June 2011

Next, went to http://www.gat.sg/ to register for a preferred “General Ability Test” (GAT) test date.

16 July 2011

Took GAT Test at Republic Poly.

8 August 2011

Received a call from Victoria School that Jon has been shortlisted for interview.

12 August 2011

Attended a 10min interview and submitted certified true copies of academic and CCA results, achievements and leadership records for verification.

3 September 2011

Went to http://vs.moe.edu.sg/dsa/ to check the application results which shows “Application is successful”.

17 September

Attended a tea ceremony and officially received a confirmation letter of offer from Victoria  School’s Principal, Mr Low Eng Teong.

Jon receiving “Letter of Offer” from Mr Low Eng Teong

Victoria School is the only Singapore government all boys school. We were told less than 10% of the total applicants are accepted for the DSA (IP) application.  We are proud that Jon is among the 44 successful applicants.

I am looking forward and can’t wait to be a proud Victorian. I will always bear in mind the important advice given by Mr Low – “It’s not how good you are but how good you want to be!” I will do my very best in the coming PSLE,” said Jon.

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Call Stack
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20.0000361112require( '/volume1/web/jonleexh.com/jonleexh.com/wp-blog-header.php ).../index.php:17
30.04553432600require_once( '/volume1/web/jonleexh.com/jonleexh.com/wp-includes/template-loader.php ).../wp-blog-header.php:19
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130.08694243400gk_social_api( $title = 'Direct School Admission (DSA) – Secondary', $postID = 108 ).../content.post.footer.php:41

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